Yong's Teaching  


  Yong's teaching course includes: "Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing" for graduate students, "For Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science B" for undergraduate and an obligatory course and "Discrete Mathematics", a compulsory course for undergraduates. He was twice among top 5% of the teachers teaching in the same class scale in Tsinghua University by assessment of courses. He has about 120 hours'' teaching per year. In 2008 Yong won the first prize of the Teaching Achievement Award of Tsinghua University (ranking 3) through exploring multi-level experimental teaching in the course of ''The Theory of Computer Network''.

Teaching Experience

  • 2010-2013 Fall: Discrete Mathematics

  • 2007-2013 Spring: For Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science B 

  • 2006-2010 Spring: Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing

  • 2006-2007 Spring: Discrete Mathematics 2 ( Graph Theory )

  • 2006-2007 Summer: Advanced Computer Networks Architecture

  • 2006-2007 Fall: Advanced Computer Networks

  • 2006-2007 Fall: Special Training in Computer Network

Published Teaching Material

  • Mingwei Xu, Yong Cui, Ke Xu. The Theory of Computer Network experiment teaching material. Published by China Machine Press. April 2008. As "Quality Teaching Material of Beijing higher Education" in 2008.

  • Yong Cui, Peng Zhang. Wireless Mobile Internet: Theory, Technology and Application. Published by China Machine Press. Approved by "Quality Teaching Material of Beijing higher Education" in 2009.

  • Aibao Wang, Jiangang Tong, Yong Cui, etc. Supporting Technology and Development Cases of Wireless Mobile Internet. Post & Telecom Press. Feb. 2012.